Tamal Ghosh
95th Birth Anniversary (51st Founder’s Day) was celebrated on 5th December, 2024 in the hospital premises of SGCCRI. The day started with Blood Donation by the Members of Management & Staff for the Cancer patients especially the children with the gracious presences of Mrs ILa Gupta, spouse of founder Padmashri Dr Saroj Gupta. Dr Saroj Gupta was an eminent oncologist and the founder of SGCCRI. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 1987 and was the Sheriff of Kolkata in 1989.
Eminent Actor Shri Sabyasachi Chakraborty was Chief Guest at Dr Saroj Gupta Cancer Institute and Research Institute (SGCCI). Shri Chakraborty paid tribute to Sgccri Founder by garlanding his statue in the evening along with members of the Management Staff and also family members of the Founder. This was followed by Inauguration of the renovated OT complex by Mrs Manju Mitra, the Chief Guest & the Donor herself. The Cultural program in the Auditorium started with an Inaugural song by Debmalya Roy, eldest grandchild of Dr Saroj Gupta. Welcome address was delivered by SGCCRI President Mr Jayanta Chatterji. After the lamp lighting an introduction of the hospital was given by Anjan Gupta, Honourary Secretary.
Mr Sabyasachi Chakraborty was felicited by the Management who paid tribute to the eminent Founder in his speech. Sharing his great respect for Dr Saroj Gupta & his creation. Dr Saroj Gupta Lifetime Achievement Awards were given by the Treasurer Mr K P Sengupta & Hony Secretary, to SGCCRI President Jayanta Chatterji, & Mrs Gouri Mitra, the only surviving Founder Member. Their great contributions for many decades were acknowledged. Ms Manju Mitra was felicitated for her regular major personal Donations.
Last but not the least Mrs Ila Gupta, wife of the Founder, was given a Special Award by Sgccri President for her unstinted support from the early days of the hospital and even now silently. Her daughter Ms Susmita Roy expressed in brief her contributions , standing firm by her husband especially through the difficult times & bringing up her children with moral values, sacrificing her personal life. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Gautam Bhattacharjee, Assistant Secretary. The Inaugural program was conducted by Dr Sumanta Dasgupta, the Medical Administrator…
The Annual Drama was staged thereafter by the Members of Management & Staff. The Drama this year was based on the epic movie ‘Basanta Bilaap ‘. Direction & script were by Dr Ramprasad Mondal assisted by Dr Tanmoy Chatterji. This was thoroughly enjoyed by the huge number of audience present in the hall.