Our economy is roaring back, about 4 million jobs added in June: Prez Trump
AHEAD of the November 3, US Presidential election, POTUS Donald John Trump camp claims adding almost 4 million jobs in the month of June shattering all expectations despite the country fighting Covid-19. Since President Trump was elected four years ago, 7 million jobs have been added to our economy, and the unemployment rate remains near its lowest level in half a century, the camp said. The unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans have all reached record lows under President Trump. Wages are rising, with low-income workers seeing the fastest growth, the camp claims. Nearly 2.5 million Americans, including nearly 1.4 million children, have been lifted out of poverty under President Trump. The poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanics reached historic lows in 2018.PresidentTrump says ‘’The stock market is doing extremely well, which means, to me, jobs. That’s what it means: jobs. This is the largest monthly jobs gain in the history of our country. The unemployment rate fell by more than 2 percentage points down to just about 11 percent. We’re down to the 11 percent number. We started at a number very much higher than that. As you know, we broke the record last month, and we broke it again this month in an even bigger way’’, a beaming Trump said. United States’ economy is roaring back. It’s coming back extremely strong. We have some areas where we’re putting out the flames or the fires, and that’s working out well. We’re working very closely with governors, and I think it’s working out very well. I think you’ll see that shortly. In June, we added 2.1 million leisure and hospitality jobs; 740,000 retail jobs; 568,000 education and healthcare jobs; 357,000 service jobs — these are all historic numbers — and 356,000 manufacturing jobs. And manufacturing looks like it’s ready to really take off at a level that it’s never been before. And a lot of that has to do with our trade policy, because we’re bringing manufacturing back to our country. And these take a long time to get — to get going, and they’re now going. So these are historic numbers. I’m really happy when I see 356,000 manufacturing jobs, and that’s just a small number compared to what it will be soon because of our great trade deals. African American workers — happily for me — made historic gains with 404,000 jobs added last month alone, and that’s a record. And the second-largest jump will be last month — and what we have, if you add the two months together, it’s 700,000 jobs for African American workers added in the last two months. And that’s a record by a lot. Likewise, Hispanic employment is up by 1.5 million jobs, a record by a lot. Hispanic employment up 1.5 million jobs. Three million more women were employed in the month of June, a record. Never had a number like that. Workers with a high school education or less made the biggest strides of all. So people that have just a high school education, or have less than a high school education — with unemployment, those without a high school diploma dropped a full 3.3 percentage points; that’s the largest drop in recorded history. Eighty percent of small businesses are now open. Eighty percent. And we think we’re going to have some very good numbers in the coming months because others are opening. And especially as we put the flame out — getting rid of the flame; it’s happening. New business applications have doubled since late March. That’s a number that is not even thinkable to achieve this early into a pandemic. The latest ISM Manufacturing Report rose 10 percentage points, with new orders jumping a remarkable 25 percentage points — all a record with consumer confidence he added.