Transition To Green Energy Needs To Be Fast-Tracked
The ongoing dreaded Russia-Ukraine war followed by IPCC’s latest report on Mitigation of Climate Change should convince the world about hastening the projects to lessen dependence on fossil fuels and go in for green energy at a much faster pace. As it is stated excessive reliance of Europe on crude oil, gas and coal on Russia over the years is among the major hurdles being faced by several nations in coming to the aid of Ukraine, the largest East European nation, to defend its sovereignty and independence against the onslaught by one of the major world’s mightiest nations. As the effects of the wanton use of state of art weapons being used in the war on the environment is yet to be assessed, the UN sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has called for upscaling transition to renewable energy and more investment in carbon dioxide removal in view of galloping global warming. The third and final instalment of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment report Mitigation of Climate Change has revealed that average annual global greenhouse gas emissions were at their highest levels in human history between 2010 and 2019, but the rate of growth of emissions has since slowed. Central to averting climate disaster is the need for immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors if we are to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, said Professor Jim Skea, the report’s Co-Chair. “It’s now or never, if we want to limit global warming to 1.5C.”Genhouse gas emissions must peak by 2025 and reduce by 43% by 2030. We need to move swiftly to a low-carbon society, but it will require an enormous effort by governments, businesses and individuals. It is needless to add that the governments around the world MUST take robust and meaningful action to challenge the rising temperature. Moving ahead with Carbon –Neutral Technologies should be prioritized due to the changing weather patterns. Massive amount of heat radiations due to shelling, explosions and firings on houses and other places in the war zone in Ukraine are heating up global climate and hence, remedial step is urgently warranted. We need to cut fossil fuel use, transition to renewable energy and invest in carbon dioxide removal related projects. The IPCC has observed that since 2010 there have been sustained decreases in costs for renewable energy following reduction of 85% for solar, 55% for wind power and 85% for batteries. People concerned must walk the talk with seriousness to secure healthy climate for the coming generations. The goalpost set up by the IPCC should not be shifted in our own interest as the report cautions us saying ‘’ Climate impacts will significantly increase ill health and premature deaths” in both the near and long term. Photo courtesy: UNICEF