ADDITIONAL Troops Being Rushed To Indo- Myanmar Border Following Classes between Myanmar Army & Militants
ADDITIONAL companies of Indian Army are being deputed to the Indo-Myanmar border in southern Mizoram’s Lawngtlai district following fresh clashes between Myanmar Army and Arakan Army, reports The Assam Tribune. India shares a total of 1643 km long border with Myanmar in Arunachal (520 km), Nagaland (215 km), Manipur (398 km) and Mizoram (510 km) with Myanmar’s Sagaing Region and Chin State. The Dhaka Tribune has reported “Amid intense fighting between Myanmar government troops and the Arakan Army (AA) in northern Rakhine, the armed group’s chief, Major General Tun Myat Naing, has told the Arakanese people that the group will build its temporary headquarters in the state very soon, reports the Irrawaddy. The Irrawaddy cited a video message from the AA chief in Arakanese language, issued on February 10. In his message, Tun Myat Naing encourages the Arakanese who live abroad to return to Rakhine State to participate in what he said was a turning point in the history of the region. It is the second such video issued by the group this month. AA deputy chief Brigadier-General Nyo Tun Aung broadcast one last week”. There have been fresh encounters between the Myanmar Army and Rakhine-based militant group along Chhimtuipui (Kaladan) river in Myanmar near Mizoram early this month. The troops are to be deployed in south-western part of Lawngtlai district along the Myanmar border, The Assam Tribune said. “Some troops arrived in Lawngtlai today while some troops have already been deployed in the sensitive area,” the reports said.The troops will guard the border to prevent the militants from entering India and also to facilitate refugees. The movement of Indian troops that went viral on social media since the past few weeks has left many people in panic. Lawngtlai DC said there is no reason to panic, and also informed that no refugees have crossed the border since last year. In January this year, Myanmar has called on its military to “launch operations” against ethnic Rakhine rebels following a deadly attack on four police stations that month. In November 2017, around 1,750 people from Arakan area in Rakhine State of Myanmar have taken refuge in Mizoram’s southernmost Lawngtlai district after the Myanmarese Army launched a crackdown on Arakan militants. The refugees from Arakan area of Myanmar fled and entered Lawngtlai district due to clashes between the Arakan rebels and the Myanmarese Army and the last wave of refugees arrived on Saturday last, the official said. Some 200 refugees were still languishing in Mizoram as of September last year, refusing to return to Myanmar fearing that the armed conflict might renew anytime.