BHAIYYAJI Joshi Re-elected RSS General Secretary Till 2021
Suresh ‘Bhaiyyaji’ Joshi,67, was on Saturday re-elected National General Secretary of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS),the world’s largest voluntary missionary organisation, for the fourth term at a conclave of the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) in Nagpur. Founded on 27 September 1925, R S S claims its volunteers are committed to selfless service to India. Joshi’s term is up to 2021, two years after the crucial 2019 Lok Sabha elections which the BJP will be fighting to retain power at the Centre under incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is reported that only Joshi’s name was proposed by the delegates who assembled from across the country.Joshi’s re-election also quashes rumours that he was unwell and wanted to be relieved of the key post.Joshi has reportedly played a crucial role in the massive victory of the BJP led NDA to power in 2014.Functioning as its executive head, the Sangh general secretary looks after day-to-day affairs of the organisation and coordination with affiliates, including the political arm BJP.Known for his ‘seva karya’ and humility, Joshi is very popular among cadres. It was under him that the BJP’s ideological fountainhead expanded, creating infrastructure, mainly educational in the North-East helping the tribal people retain their traditional way of life. The Sangh claims that it is running 58,976 “shakhas” and the organisation have expanded to 95 per cent of the country notwithstanding relentless propaganda against the R S S by several political parties and other organizations. DNA says Bhaiyyaji’s deputy Dattatreya Hosbale was speculated to replace Bhaiyyaji, but RSS did not want to lose its hold on BJP. Hosbale is junior to both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah. It is said R S S intends to prevent PM Modi and Amit Shah from following in the footsteps of late Pramod Mahajan, an influential BJP leader and Union Minister who very often ignored the Sangh diktats during first NDA government headed by Atal Bihari Vajpayee. As DNA says RSS has sent out a clear message that it will not lose its grip on government and does not want to create any problem with any change. RSS has Sarsanghchalak is Mohan Bhagwat but it is Bhaiyyaji Joshi who is given the responsibility to keep an eye on political developments. It was Bhaiyyaji who was instrumental in nationwide participation of RSS when the brand Modi was popularised across the country. Besides under the duo, R S S has adopted a modern approach to several national and international issues. It has repeatedly denounced casteism and so-called untouchability and championed woman empowerment. Bhaiyyaji is a great planner and executor during the rise and popularisation of brand Modi as well as during Lok Sabha elections. (image :courtesy : DNA)