
Biden may have to wear walking boot after fracturing his foot

Ebangla Bureau


President-elect of United States Joe Biden fractured his right foot while playing with Major, one of his two dogs, on Saturday. The injury was detected in a scan the next day. He will likely to wear a boot for several weeks, his doctor said. Following the injury, he visited an orthopaedist in Newark, Delaware, on Sunday afternoon, his office said.“Initial X-rays did not show any obvious fracture,” but medical staff ordered a more detailed CT scan, his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said in a statement. The subsequent scan found tiny fractures of two small bones in the middle of his right foot, O’Connor said. “It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks,” O’Connor said. He suffered hairline fractures, the doctor said. The Politico reported ‘’ Reporters covering the president-elect were not able to see Biden enter the doctor’s office. But Biden was visibly limping when he left the doctor’s office to head to an imaging center for his CT scan. Biden,78  will be the oldest president when he will be inaugurated in January, but he frequently dismissed questions about his age on the campaign trail. His doctor has described him as “healthy, vigorous” and “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”pic courtesy: The Washington Post

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