Sikkim students oppose reopening of schools after the first positive case
SOME students’ organizations of Sikkim have requested the State Government to roll back its decision to restart educational institutes in the State from June 15 in view of the unpreceded emergency following COVID-19 pandemic. Sikkim University Students’ Association (SUSA), Students Representative Council of different government colleges, students of Sikkim State University and postgraduate students from Nar Bahadur Bhandari Degree College and private colleges of Sikkim have urged Education Minister Kunga Nima Lepcha to rescind the decision till the situation normalizes. Referring to the first positive case of COVID-19 in the State, they said in a letter, “We anticipate that this lone incident will further escalate if we promote the social gathering of any kind, schools and colleges being prominent among others. With the intension to ensure zero infection of COVID, we request your good office to kindly roll back the decision to make any educational institute operational, till the situation normalizes”. A day after the Sikkim government decided to reopen schools from June 15, the first confirmed case was reported, as a 25-year-old student who returned from Delhi tested positive. The sample of the student was sent to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital in Siliguri for testing. The report came back positive, Health Department Director General-cum-Secretary Pempa Tshering Bhutia said.