UNSC Is For Afghan Led, Afghan Owned Inclusive AF Govt
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has called for an immediate cessation of all hostilities and the establishment of a new united, inclusive and representative government in Afghanistan. Condemning serious violation of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses in Afghanistan, UNSC says called for an immediate ending of violence, restoration of security, civil and constitutional order in the country close to Pakistan. The UNSC also called for urgent talks to resolve the current crisis of authority in the country for arriving at a peaceful settlement through an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned process of national reconciliation. The statement comes as UNSC held a meeting on Afghanistan yesterday under the Indian presidency. The meeting comes a day after Kabul fell to the Taliban. In a statement, the member countries underlined that all parties must respect their obligations under international humanitarian law in all circumstances, including those related to the protection of civilians. Meanwhile, under attack from some nations for the withdrawal of the US army without ensuring a semblance of security for the Afghans and other nationals, POTUS Joe Biden says “Our only vital national interest in Afghanistan remains the prevention of terrorist attack on the USA. I’ve argued for many years that our mission should be narrowly focused on counter-terrorism, not counter insurgency or nation-building’’. The terrorist threat is metastasized, well beyond Afghanistan, he added. The mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to be nation-building or to be creating a unified, centralised democracy, Biden further said. PRC, the closest ally of Pakistan & about 3,600 km away from Afghanistan, has promptly recognised the Taliban regime soon after it took over Kabul. “For last 20 years, terrorist organizations such as the Islamic States & Al-Qaeda have gathered & developed in Afghanistan, posting a serious threat to international, regional peace and security. Afghanistan must never again become a haven for terrorists”, said China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Geng Shuang. Speaking to ANI he said “This is the bottom line that must be held firmly for any future political solution in Afghanistan. We hope that Talibani Afghanistan is going to live its commitment & make a clean break from terrorist organizations”. The UNSC emergency meeting on Afghanistan was chaired by India which is a party to the resolution. Edited by PK Chakravarty. Picture courtesy: NDTV