ANGELA Merkel Suggests Social Media Take Responsibility For the Content Posted On these forum
AS alleged missus of social media by vested interests continues, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that social media platforms needed to take responsibility for the content on their networks.“Everyone who operates such big platforms should be responsible for certain standards being adhered to on them,” Merkel told a news conference. Most of the social media platforms have been becoming the subject of investigation owing to the chaos-wreaking content being published on them. Although the founders state that they try their best to filter out faux content, cases of rumour and false news-spreading have been coming across quite often lately. Merkel’s statement comes after encountering all the havoc spreading around due to social media platforms. Recently, countries such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka saw cases of violence due to Facebook posts and people from both the countries criticised the platform to a huge extent. However, Facebook ensured that it is working towards curbing the spread of such posts for the coming days. Government of India and its law enforcement agencies have also expressed concern over misuse of social media for spreading fake news and promoting communal tension.