Justice Dalveer Bhandari Re-elected In International Court of Justice

Dilip Chakrabarti
It is a great win for India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s diplomacy. Britain’s withdrawal from the race made it even easier for Justice Dalveer Bhandari to touch the ribbon winning a seat in the house of International Justice. According to the newspaper, The Indian Express Justice Bhandari received 183 votes out of 193 votes in the General Assembly of United Nations and 15 votes out of 15 of the Security Council of UNO. It is an unprecedented win for India and it clearly shows the excellence of diplomatic overpowering of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Prime Minister and his Ministry of External Affairs laid the groundwork of this paramount win for India. Justice Dalveer Bhandari will hold this post for a term of 9 years. Justice Dalveer Bhandari comes from an illustrious family of lawyers. His father, Mahaveer Chand Bhandari, and his grandfather, B.C. Bhandari were also well-known lawyers in the state of Rajasthan. He acquired his law degree from Jodhpur University and practiced in Rajasthan High Court from 1968 to 1970. He was invited to a six-week workshop organized by University of Chicago on a research program on Indian Law. He obtained a Masters degree in Law from Northwestern University. He worked in a project called “Delay in the Administration of Criminal Justice in India.” Tumkur University, Karnataka, honoured him with the degree of “Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)”.
A very weak showing of foreign policy for last seven decades, Narendra Modi has finally shown the world that his courteous, mutually respectful relations can win the support of 183 member countries of U.N.O. India should be very proud to have a Prime Minister like Narendra Modi who has enabled Justice Dalveer to obtain a seat in the house of “International Court of Justice”.